Jan. 9 // Duke Hospital’s Annual MLK Celebration
Time: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Trent Semans Great Hall, Duke School of Medicine
NASA astronaut and physician Dr. Mae C. Jemison, the first woman of color to go into space, will deliver the keynote lecture, titled “Find Where the Wind Goes,” which is also the title of her book for teenagers exploring her experiences growing up on the South Side of Chicago. The event, which is open to the Duke Health community, will also feature live music by John Brown Jazz. A plated lunch will be served beginning promptly at 11 a.m.
Seating is limited and registration is required here (using course registration number EDS1156). For more information or to register by phone, call (919) 684-4293.
Jan. 11 // Dr. William J. Fulkerson Presents the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Caregiver Award at Duke Hospital
Time: 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Trent Semans Great Hall, Duke School of Medicine
For the 10th year, Duke Hospital will honor team members who volunteer in the community. Dr. William J. Fulkerson, executive vice president for Duke University Health System, will announce the name of the 2018 award winner and will present a check for $5,000 to the organization for which the winner volunteers. Also, hear about some of the amazing things past winners continue to do for our community and learn more about the third Habitat House that Duke Hospital is building for a family in Durham. A plated lunch will be served and the event will include music by John Brown Jazz.
Seating is limited and registration is required here (using course registration number EDS1157). For more information or to register by phone, call (919) 684-4293.
Jan. 16 // Duke Clinical Research Institute’s Annual MLK Celebration
Time: 1-2 p.m. Lower Level Lecture Hall, 2400 Pratt St.
Rev. Dr. Michelle Laws, entrepreneur and global human rights and social justice activist, will deliver the keynote lecture, titled “From Chaos to Community: Advancing Dr. King’s Vision of a United World House,” which echoes the title of Dr. King’s last book, written in 1967, “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?”
Paid parking is available in the deck. The H2 Loop campus bus stops at PG3, which is located at North Pavilion. Watch a live webcast or archived video of the program here.